VCD with chapters, menu, slideshows, and video files. Is it possible? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to create a VCD with:

chapters - for instantly playing into key points of the video. menu - main menu slide shows - with less than 99 pictures video files - .dat video files

I know how to insert a menu, slideshow, and video file (simply using Nero). I just don't know if the features can mix together seamlessly, and I need a lecture on how to create chapters for the video files. Need assistance on these, thanks.

-- Alvin Paul (, June 05, 2002


"Nero Burning ROM" Ver 5.5 or later only supports simple memu functions. If you really want to add Slide Shows, Videos, Menus, and even more complex functions, you should try "Roxio Video Pack".

-- fred (, June 05, 2002.

If you really want to do all that, I suggest digging in on VCDImager.

It's at and it's freeware. there are a few good front-ends for it, vcdeasy is great for simple discs. For more intricate discs TSCV is great. Even helps build motion menus from your chapter stops. it's at They are both just front- ends for vcd imager, so if you want total control you can do hand code the xml to define your VCD layout, add all the media and off you go.

-- Sean Hatfield (, June 06, 2002.

I have an answer for you. Nero 5.5

This is how you would normally do it for cartoons for example because you want to view them as separate movies, but if you want it to look like one large movie with scenes the key is chosing 0 seconds pause after each mpeg (scene).

Take your movie mpeg file and cut it into the sections you want, those will be your scenes. (use TMPGec, file menu, mpeg tools).

To make a menu when you first start nero close the wizard and you will see another window with tabs, one of them says menu,go there and play with it. you can select so that the different mpegs are simply listed by name or you can even select thumbnails. Drag your mpeg movie clips to the box left on the left. also drag your pictures there (.jpg). One thing to remember... when you are ready to burn, select properties on each file listed. Since you want the video to play as if it was just ONE without pauses, chose 0 seconds for each mpeg if that doesn't work chose 1 second. for the images .jpg chose 5 or ten seconds what ever you want. And for the menu (you'll see it listed) chose 5 or 10 seconds also, whatever you do, don't chose infinate i had problems with that. If everything goes right, when you play the VCD on you DVD player the first thing you will see is the menu. You can chose to view which ever video clip you want or if you just wait the 5 sec it will begin playing from the 1st to the last clip. daniel

-- daniel (, June 06, 2002.

buy Imression and let it do the work

-- (, July 01, 2002.

Make that "Impression"

-- (, July 01, 2002.

I wouldn't recommend that you cut your video if you want it to play the whole movie seamlessly. There is a tendency for pops in the audio.

-- PNP man (, May 30, 2003.

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