Parallel line from Columbus to Warm : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I'm trying to locate who operated the line that ran from Columbus North to / thru Warm Springs. From all maps I have seen it roughly paralleled the C of G line further West, but I can find no labeling of the line. I especially am interested in history/fate etc. of this now abandoned line in and around Waverly Hall, Shiloh and Warm Springs. I would appreciate any feedback or direction to other sites. Thanks.
-- Terry E. Thomley (, June 05, 2002
This line was operated by the Southern. Georgia, Midland and Gulf built the 99-mile line between McDonough and Columbus. The railroad was opened on December 1, 1887. In 1896 the company was reorganized in the interest of the Southern Railway as Georgia Midland Railway and was absorbed by the Southern through a lease of its properties.References:
Prince, Richard E., "Southern Railway System Steam Locomotives and Boats," 1970. p. 22.
See Also:
Wright, Ron., "Railfan's Guide to Columbus, Georgia," The Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society Web Site,
-- Ron. Wright (, June 06, 2002.
I may be wrong, but I believe that I have heard it mentioned that the right of way between Griffin and Columbus was railbanked by the state. Of course there has been a great deal of encroachment since the rail was taken up. In fact, in most areas south of Williamson you can barely tell the railroad was ever there. However, the property is still there if someone could manage to get a bill through rebuild the line.AD
-- Andrew Durden (, May 21, 2003.
Perhaps this is not the best place for me to air this statement but then again it kind of goes along with the theme of this thread. Does anyone think it is simple coincidence that NS made sure they severed both direct routes between Atlanta and Columbus, the 2 most populated cities in Georgia??? While passenger service, funded by the State of Georgia, has never taken a very high priority in Georgia, a train between the two most populated cities would tend to make sense. And would be easier if not for Southern/NS seeming to take steps to ensure it won't happen on their tracks.While not trying to interject politics into the board (and whats the problem with a bit of Southern bashing all along...??), it was just something I had thought of in the past and the recent question about the line through Warm Springs rekindled my memory.
And while belatedly, thanks to everyone who worked on the recent society meeting in Columbus. Really great job and I learned many things. Take care all and be safe.
Bryan Smith
-- Bryan Smith (, June 16, 2002.
An attempt was made by Mike Buckner and others around 1990 to buy the Waverly Hall-Warm Springs portion and operate it as the Presidential Scenic RR. NS wanted too much money, and this plus other problems killed the proposal. It's a shame since this was a beautiful piece of railroad (there was a motorcar trip over it just before it was torn up) and Warm Springs has really caught on now as a tourist destination.
-- Larry Goolsby (, June 06, 2002.