Screws on the rear side of 50'cron : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I've a 50'cron (serial no. around 2.5 mil) with 5 screws on the bayonet mount. Has anybody tried to remove these screws? I just wonder whether this is the way to convert it from M to LTM.

-- WP Cheng (, May 31, 2002


Yes I've removed such screws numerous times, to replace worn bayonets. No, there are no threads underneath. The sole exceptions were a few very early M lenses (such as the 21/4)which were LTM lenses which had M bayonet flanges that theaded over the LTM threads and secured against unscrewing by a grub screw going transversely.

-- Jay (, May 31, 2002.

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