FS: Filter, B+W KR3 "MRC", E46 size, as new in box, $37.50 shipped in the lower 48.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

The KR3 is essentially an 81B or 81C equivalent. This one is like new in the box. I'll ship it anywhere assuming appropriate shipping charges are added. Satisfaction guaranteed.


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), May 30, 2002


Just out of curiousity, Jack, do you live in Alaska? The title of your post states that you will deliver «in the lower 48» and the only time I heard that expression was in a just released movie (that's my business, I get to see many films before everybody else). There is a character who runs a hotel and she guesses that the guys come from «the lower 48». Now, I am not American, so maybe I just didn't know the expression existed.

-- Olivier (olreiche@videotron.ca), May 30, 2002.

I'm in California. The expression "lower 48" is commonly referred to when discussing shipping, as the US Postal Service will ship small packages for a flat rate anywhere within the "continental United States" or more commonly, the "lower 48". Alaska and Hawaii cost more due to their remote locations.

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), May 30, 2002.

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