Verifying an online VCD/DVD seller please : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I am starting a video store. Am looking to buy wholesale original VCDs and DVDs to avoid legal hassles when renting them out. I found a great site at The prices are very attractive for English and Indian VCDs and DVDs under Wholesale section. Has anybody bought from here before? I would appreciate if anyone could please verify the authenticity of this seller. As an afterthought, the suspicious part is that in the Contact us section, the phone and fax numbers are from USA but the postal address is a non US country. Many thanks for any help offered Ravin

-- Ravin (, May 30, 2002


Ordered from All Indian and Pakistani Stuff is orignal while english stuff doesnt seem orignal but the store owner mentioned about english stuff before shipping the items, however english dvd do u have excellent quality


-- JamsheD (, July 09, 2002.

yeah they are very good i ordered 4 movies off them indian dvds and they were excellent quality !!

-- asif (, September 08, 2002.

I ordered six DVD from The quality of all of the dvds were good.

-- Pekka (, September 22, 2003.

I totally disagree with the majority of comments here. I was asking this man - Sohail (the sole manager of this website) - a simple question and all of the sudden he started sending me rude emails back!! I don't recommend anybody doing business with this person - bad attiude and a very dodgy character!! STEER CLEAR!!! Trust me!!

-- Osman Rashid (, November 24, 2003.

I am looking for legit places to buy wholesale DVDs from, and I'm considering a place called They have great deals, but I don't know if they sell pirated stuff, has anybody done business with them? Thanks.

-- Adriel Kelsick (, May 23, 2004.

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