Sony dvd player blows fuse on reciever : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a Sony DVPS550D dvd Player that will not play certain movies (Hollywood releases) without causing the reciever to go into Protect mode(blown fuse) this doesnt happen in all cases, only certain movies, The louder the soundtrack the more likely it will blow the fuse. Any one else have this same problem? thoughts on what could be causing it? Thanks in advance for any help. Tom

-- Thomas Wildgen (, May 29, 2002


I have the same DVD player, hooked up to an Sony 1075 Dolby Digital Receiver. I can crack it up to monsterous levels and the amplifier takes the load at ease. I would think there's a problem with your receiver, as that's whats doing all the work, the DVD player is simply sending the signal, which is relatively low voltage, to the receiver.

i hope this helps...

-- Mr Singh (, May 30, 2002.

yea yea yea

-- tabasumm rana (, August 14, 2002.

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