VCD hack with Oritron dav2100 ??? Won't Play! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Just wondering if anyone knows a hack to enable the VCD playback of the Oritron DAV2100 Home Theater system. I can't play any VCDs on here regardless of what software encoded them or CD-r they are on. I tried all of the VCDs that I have made and they work fine in my friend's Apex DVD Player. If anyone knows of a solution let me know.Later Joe
-- Joe (, May 27, 2002
Check some Cracks and Hacks for your DVD player here hope it helpsTraX
-- TraX (, June 11, 2002.
JoePut a music CD. Stop it, press menu, then 7, eject, then 1, index menu, eject. That will open the VCD menu.
-- Bryant (, November 05, 2002.
Doesn't work for me
-- HA (, January 22, 2003.
Doesn't work in my DVD Player
-- Carlos Mireles (, January 22, 2003.
The hack from Bryant worked perfectly
-- Anthony Mussari (, February 09, 2003.
have had no issues using Nero 5.5.10 to make VCD's and playing them back on my DAV2100
-- bob sellers (, March 04, 2003.
I tried Bryant's code and I can only hear sound and see the black or blue screen on my TV. The sound from VCD after like 30 sec. stops and it doesn't work. Maybe somebody knows how to make rhis working. Please help me!
-- Kamil Hryszko (, May 11, 2003.