can't get : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I recently bought some VCD's on ebay. I got the video to play, but it doesn't have any sound. I'm not that advanced in my computer knowledge, so is it something simple or is there something wrong with the CD's?
-- Jake Bucher (, May 27, 2002
well make sure u have your spekers pluged in and your volume up. if that dose not work go in to my computer and look to see if you have a sound card if u do not have on u need to get one be for try to boot them up agien
-- jon williams (, July 25, 2002.
While Jon's answer could be possible, seeing as you know little about computers, I am sure it is not the case.Fact is, some people making VCDs for some reason fail to include the audio part of the video.
When making a VCD, it is necessary to separate the audio from the video, encode both the audio and video to VCD standards and put them back together again. However, some people make useless VCD titles by failing to put the audio back on the video! How more amateurish can you get??
-- Dean (, February 02, 2003.