Vivitar Instant Slide Printer not firing : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I'm trying to reactivate my Vivitar Instant Slide Printer which has been in the closet for several years. I put in new "C" batteries and a new bulb to light up the slide viewing panel, but the machine is still not working. The red Ready light does not come on, although the green Timer light does (but the chime does not ring). I can hear the shutter click when I hit Print, but something (strobe light?) is not firing. Any ideas if it can be repaired? Thanks.

-- Betty deViveiros (, May 25, 2002


I have had problems with my Vivitar too. It is like the slide isn't long enough to tigger the switch inside or something. I have used my filter holder with the slide and that helps - though you have to be careful as sometimes the holder covers up the image as you put it into the Vivitar and you get a dark line across your print. I thought it was just with cardboard mounted slides, but am finding the plastic mounts aren't working either. It is very anno

-- ljc (, May 29, 2002.

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