Bad Days. Recovery Tips. : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

I am having a hell of a day. Hell of a week, actually. Somebody give me some tips on how to get over it.

You ever have one of those times where you're just trying to handle your business and it's all you can do just to stay alive? How did you survive it?

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002


if you're not struggling financially, go out and buy something. there is something therapeutic about having new things.

also, cleaning helps me sometimes. whether it's housework or washing your car or whatever.

oh, and working out too.

if all else fails, you can be thankful that no one is talking about finding what may or may not be your bones on cnn.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

Things that are distracting. Cook something really elaborate, binge, play a mindless game like Snood for hours, watch bad TV. Do something creative like binging or writing. And if it's really too much to handle and you think you can't do it anymore? Sleep.

Hope you feel better/less bad.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

You can call/email me, dearest Al. I'll even skip the silly cocktail party I RSVP'd to earlier.

My really bad period in March/April I spent a lot of time on the phone -- my family, my best friends in DC and MA, the Nonsmoker, whoever could be on the other end of the line. I also ended up at one point pleading to journal readers to tell me that I was not going crazy, and they helped immensely. And one day I just wandered around Central Park for two hours because green space suited my bawling self better than the office.

Other things that help (me): baths; video games; the collected works of the Institute for Official Cheer, which always make me laugh; really silly chicklit; listening to the same song over and over.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

A massage. Touch is therapeutic. A professional who is paid to rub you all over and make you literally feel better... it gets the physical toxins out and the emotional ones sometimes follow. If the $60 or $70 per hour is not terribly viable right now, call the nearest massage therapy school and ask them for their training rates - - most schools offer seriously discounted rates so that the masseurs finishing training can practice on live paying customers.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

How about knowing that someone is in the boat with you? And has lost her oars too? I, too, am having a horrid week all around.

But, I gotta tell you, and I am not trying to suck up, I swear...MATH + 1 usually cheers me up. Although I did do some online shopping during the 15 minutes I took for lunch today and that did brighten my day a bit. Hang in there, long weekend coming up, WooHoo!

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

I generally pop in Terms of Endearment and induce a good cry-fest. I usually feel better after that. Or I go to one of those paint-your- own-pottery places and re-create my high school Crafts class experience for a few hours. That's mighty therapeutic as well. Feel happy soon, Al.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

I usually go to Saks or Neiman's and let the nice ladies put makeup on me and tell me that I'm pretty. Then I buy a lipstick. Works every time.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

I wont bore anyone with too much detail, but the last month or so has been a helluva challenge for me. Random stuff was causing financial stress, and them some neighborhood kids dumped kerosene in my gas tank... for reasons unknown.

Total bill: $829.00

All my saved money: $830.00

I swear...MATH + 1 usually cheers me up -'nuff said.

Try not to get too pissed off. You will just add fuel to the fire. It's impossible sometimes, I know. But try. I always find a visit to my favorite South Park site always makes me smile. Maybe try continuing a project you began before things got so hairy... Music..

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

sorry for all the bold type

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2002

I just try to do as little as possible, let anyone who will baby me do so, and try to remember that it can't last forever.

But if we're just talking about one or two really low down shit dirty days, sex is the answer. Even though I don't feel like it at first, necessarily, later I'm always really glad I decided on the orgasm treatment for depression.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2002

Canadian club and ginger ale. And then I sneak a cigarette.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2002


The sourer the better.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2002

I wish I knew how to survive today. My first day at the DA's office and I've been yelled at 3 times. Once for crossing a street when a cop had flashing lights on, but was pulled over to the side, as if to let me go (trust me, you wouldn't have known what the hell was going on either). Then I got yelled at for looking around when we walked through the narcotics unit (no one told me not to), because there were undercover cops there. And then I got yelled at for blowing my nose while someone was speaking. No, I'm not kidding.

Add on the entire rest of my life and, lemme say, I hope I die.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2002

Jess, that is the worst first day ever. Good thing Memorial Day is Monday!

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2002

Jess -

I think you should go on a rampage tuesday, waving your arms and yelling "so when do I get my damn gun?!!" That will really show them you're serious.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2002

I am all about Retail Therapy! Even just going and buying useless things like scrunchies at the dollar store seems to help.

If it is a really bad day... I will totally go for the whole red beer/cigarette thing. In fact...I may go for that right now...

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2002

Usually for me, I talk on the phone, write in my journal to get it allll out of my system, maybe go run around to burn off energy, cry, sleep. oh yeah, shopping helps, too. the other night I was sort've depressed, spent $300 online and felt abit better...not much, but abit.

Yeah, I'm in a worse mood today for totally different reasons. I can say that I haven't tried most of what I suggested yet since it's sort've late to do much but the journal thing and sleep. I did the journal thing....heh. *hopes tomorrow's better for everyone*

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2002

Oh yeah - also funny online comics help. I read a few of those today....this one is good inparticular for humour value: - especially the latest :D

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2002

I also recommend laying out by your pool, if you have one. That's what I plan to do this afternoon, and I'm hoping it'll make this whole boring week much better.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2002

Argh. My sweet, wonderful assistant just gave notice because she can no longer tolerate the insanity of our mutual boss. I don't blame her at ALL, but I am totally down about it.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2002

Al, I think that we are on the exact same schedule because I am having a bad day too. My alarm did not go off this morning so I was 1/2 hour late to work, I bought a huge cup of coffee when I got to work and within 2 minutes, before I even took one sip, I had spilled the whole thing on my desk, printer, floor and chair. I am sorry for your assistant leaving, it is so hard to find good people to work with that you can also form friendships with.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2002

Yeah, you're right about that. I have a few other friends in the office, but she is, by far, my soul-sistah. I'm sad about it, but happy for her, because I think she'll be happier out from under the crazyness here.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2002

I'm sad about it, but happy for her, because I think she'll be happier out from under the crazyness here.

The sad thing is that I have several good friends that work with me and they are just as miserable as I am. But, all we do is beg and plead each other not to leave because we can't imagine surviving this place without each other. It is like a vicious guilt circle.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2002

You have an assistant, Al?


-- Anonymous, June 13, 2002

You have an assistant, Al?


-- Anonymous, June 14, 2002

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