sony d-v55 player recognizes vcd as an audio-cd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i burned the file using nero(latest ver) but when i tired to open it with my portable vcd player(sony d-v55) it recognizes as an audio cd.i check that the video file is in the correct folder(mpegav).powerdvd plays the also plays exact copy of vcd s created by nero.i am gonna break the player please help me!

-- murat al (, May 22, 2002


Try another player first before breaking that one :) Maybe that one doesn't play CD-R media.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, May 24, 2002.

Mehmet is of course right. Your problem is that your player doesn't recognize CD-R media. Try burning to CD-RW media as Sony players usually recognize those without any problems.

-- Root (, May 24, 2002.

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