Anyone knows when the M7 0.85 vf is due? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I justed called Tarmarkin and they didn't know either.

-- pat (, May 20, 2002


I heard from a Solms rep during a Leica day late in April that the .58 and .85 should be out late in June.

-- Paul Chefurka (, May 20, 2002.

they have been sold on ebay. also the chrome .72 has been sold on ebay. based on the time difference between ebay availability of the m7 and usa dealer availability, it should only be several weeks now. i must say, however, that i increasingly hear stories about leica usa holding up the flow of m7s until stocks of m6 are depleted. they are using the buzz of the m7 to get people into stores (most places have a display m7), but then sending people home with 6s. a not uncommon technique -- and i hope it works for them. i want the co to succeed.

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002.

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