Pinnacle studio VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

My friend is offering me a Pinnacle Studio VCD capture card. My question is: is it a good capture card? What can it do? Aside from real-time encoding, can I do an editing with it? Are the videos produced by it of good quality. What are its down-sides. Please do advice. thank you.

-- Jim Pop (, May 19, 2002


if your Operating system is Windows XP forgeddaboudit!! the friggin card doesnt work on xp, but if you still use win 98, 95 or Win Me the card works fine. the card is specially made for vcd no mpeg2 capture, only mpeg1 and asf so no dvd quality capture, its really an average capture card no tv tuner only an rca connector and svideo, but if your friend sells it to you really cheap and you desperately need one then go ahead.

-- andy (, August 05, 2002.

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