How to convert MJPEG to AVI : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Help! Can anyone tell me how to convert MJPEG to an AVI without downgrading too much of the quality? I tried using VirualDub but, the video quality was extremely bad. I'd spended endless hours on researching this issue. Would appreciated for the help.

-- Kea (, May 18, 2002


MJPEG is one form of AVI. When u say AVI at the same time you also have to say what codec was used in creating said AVI. If u give me an AVI file u have to tell me whether it's a Cinepak codec AVI or a Quicktime MJPEG-A AVI or a type-1 DV AVI or h/w only Matrox MJPEG AVI or an Intel Indeo AVI. There is even an I-frame only MPEG-2 codec AVI. All these files have *.AVI extensions, and I will have to make sure the relevant codec h/w and/or s/w, is installed properly on my system before I can play the file u gave me. Note that MJPEG is NOT the same as MPEG; MPEG is NOT AVI and conforms to a different set of rules. You'll have to restate your question.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, May 19, 2002.

hgfhjngfdnerjwjnbognnnwlkvb fjdngnglñnkngrvgbn mbmfb mgfbl

-- toni (, May 22, 2002.

Not going to the prom this weekend, eh Toni?

-- (#@#.#), May 22, 2002.

I have a Matrox Avi 720 x 576 I want converted to a cinipak 640 x 480avi running at 15fps and 90kbps I to have virtual dubb but no clue how to work it.... Any suggestions would be appreciated

-- Matt (, July 28, 2003.

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