Calling of Minolta CLE with Leica lense users. : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

hi all, Need to verify with all CLE users. Will the leica lenses like 28/50/90 summicron and elmarit lense, are you be able to focus clearly at infinity setting? I had already post a simialr question on infinity focusing for the m3 and m4 earlier. Which i was told to send for calibrating. Now i just curious on the CLE. pls help.

-- alfred (, May 17, 2002


When I first got my CLE, the rangefinder was very slightly out of adjustment. I had it calibrated and 3 years later it is still perfect. I use it with a Leica 50 and 90 as well as the 40 Rokkor, and all of them sync up perfect at infinity.

-- Andrew Schank (, May 17, 2002.

-- John Collier (, May 18, 2002.

Yes they all line up perfectly at infinity on my CLE (Assuming your not using early 28's and the DR 50 which does have problems fitting and or focusing to CLE's)The cameras are VERY easy to adjust the rangefinders on, I do it myself if they ever go out of alignment generally due to a bad shock or extended vibrations from tavel. To Andrew Shank, when you read the heated Hexar back focus debate, do you smile to youself when you pick up your CLE? LOL! I do!

-- Joel Matherson (, May 18, 2002.

Joel, what surprises me is that I have used the 50 Summicron at f2.0 for shots in the 3 to 5 feet area and nailed the focus on the eyes with the CLE nearly every time. I find the double image coincidence very easy to see on that camera, and very accurate despite the limitations of the effective baselength of the rangefinder being lower than my Leica. I wish 50 lines would come up, but I just shoot slightly inside the 40 lines and framing isn't bad.

-- Andrew Schank (, May 19, 2002.

Andrew, I find that often people claim the baselength of the CLE being the same as the CL. Just this week I read Francois lumping them together as the same baselength. But its in fact 50% greater than the CL as you already know. If the CL is capable of focusing a 50mm f2 acurately the CLE should do it even more so. I am very fond of CLE's, and the viewfinder for 28mm lenses is superb. I eagerly await the new Voigtlander 28 f3.5 with the higher build quality of the new 50 f2.5, it should suit the CLE perfectly over the larger 28's I have used in the past.

-- Joel Matherson (, May 21, 2002.

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