CofGa Passenger Car Decals Now : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
For everyone who has patiently waited for the new Central of Georgia passenger car decals from Microscale, we are very excited to announce that some of these sets are now available!!Microscale is currently shipping the following CofGa passenger car sets.
1. 48-728 - O scale blue/gray and Pullman green cars (road name set)
2. 48-729 - O scale stainless/aluminum cars (road names set)
3. 87-1128 - HO scale blue/gray, Pullman green, and stainless/ aluminum cars (road name set)
4. 87-1129 - HO scale blue/gray and Pullman green cars (stripe set)
The O scale stripe sets and the N scale road name sets and stripe sets should follow shortly (within the next month or so.)
The October-December 2001 issue of THE RIGHT WAY (Vol. 5, No. 4) contained an in-depth article entitled "Lettering Styles on Passenger Cars" which covers the use of these decals. (Back issues are available. Contact me for details.)
These sets should be available from your local hobby shop. Additionally, the Society has a supply for sale at train shows.
Several more decal sets are on the way: steam locomotive sets by mid to late summer, and caboose sets by early fall.
Allen Tuten
-- Allen Tuten (, May 11, 2002
Oops!! I made a couple of small errors on the listing of new CofGa passenger car decals.The HO scale blue/gray, Pullman green, and stainless / aluminum (road name set) should be set 87-1126 (NOT 87-1128)
The HO scale blue/gray, Pullman green (stripe set) should be 87-1127 (NOT 87-1129)
Sorry for any confusion!
Allen Tuten
-- Allen Tuten (, May 12, 2002.