I was wondering where i could get a Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time) manga? PLEASE!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Legend of Zelda : One Thread

Can anyone help me get the "Legend of Zelda (Ocarnia of Time)" manga? please?

-- Jay Kim (Azn1sk@yahoo.com), May 11, 2002


Yep! I found a nice Zelda magna at This site. just scroll down untill you see "zelda magna" annd click the links there to d/l the .zip files that have the comics in them.

-- Davey Rootbeer (yankeefans2@juno.com), May 11, 2002.

ThanX!! haha, thanx! i'm really grateful.

-- Jay Kim (Azn1sk@yahoo.com), May 12, 2002.


-- christopher (pokesean1103@AOL.COM), September 28, 2002.

Can you really read japanese?

-- Supersonic (Supersonic@aol.com), May 31, 2003.

I would just like to say, Rootbeer, that the term is "manga". It makes me wonder why people use the term manga...

-- Yuki Yokozu (Amateseru@aol.com), January 21, 2004.

Well, actually if that person is looking for the OoT manga and doesn't want to buy it they could have just looked here at http://www.zeldanodensetsu.com/ Not only does it have Ocarina of Time, but also Majora's Mask and The Seasons manga ^_^

-- Cuddly Little Legolas (Kenyakodivination@hotmail.com), February 06, 2004.

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