Looking for Japanese Samurai Films on VCD or CDRgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am looking for Japanese Samurai Films on VCD or CDR. Especially the following titles: Goyokin (1969),Tenchu (1969), Three Outlaw Samurai (1964, Samurai Gold Seekers (1965, Samurai Saga (1959), Ambush at Blood Pass (1970), Samurai Rebellion (1967),Samurai Assassin (1965), Orochi (1925)and Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937)If you have any of these titles or know websites, please respond or write to me at RSBonos@Hotmail.com
Thank You
-- Radu (RSBonos@Hotmail.com), May 10, 2002
I have, samurai assasin,Ambush at blood pass, samurai rebllion in my dvd collection
-- mark milburn (akme_@hotmail.com'), February 26, 2003.
you can Try to contact : extremevcd@yahoo.com I am looking for VCD/DVD Samurai, Japan. Anyone have it please email me : masgatot@lycos.com I am in Indonesia thanks
-- Gatot (masgatot@lycos.com), May 05, 2003.