Is the ATI Radeon AIW any good for VCD format |? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello to all of you , I’ve considered the ATI AIW Radeon (NOT the 7500/8500DV) 32 MB AGP, For creating VCD files from my video camera HI8 cassettes. I know it’s not the best choice but I don’t wont to spend 99999999$ for a capture card. Currently I'm using PIII 500Mhz with 512Mb RAM and 2 Ultra3 SCSI HD. I heard the card can do a Real time VCD files. I don’t mind creating Mpeg2 files and then convert them , But in the end I want to get a good quality VCD file. Is this card any good? (I heard that it's not a "true" real-time hardware compression card and I'm worried that a 500Mhz CPU won't be Strong enough for the encode process ). ATI web site says it's enough but I would like to hear from any of you, who tested, or using the card. Thank you. Lior

-- Lior (, May 10, 2002


If you need to record mpeg1 video CD-s ATI AIW 128/pro is the one that makes best capture for TV playback in the real time. I've tested AIW 8500DV but in the 1200kbps it does not makes good video. It makes good video in 2400 kbps but that is not the regular VCD. I have no experience with AIW radeon (regular).

-- Webmaster (, May 13, 2002.

I have a ATI Radeon 7500 All In Wonder 64 meg DDR running on an Athlon 950 - K7S5A with 256 DDR and SB Live 5.1. Video capture is easy from any source. The capture quality is good, and will capture into the right format, and I used Roxio ECD 5.02 PLAT for actually making the CD.

However, I have been unable to figure out why it won't play.

It records direclty as a VCD format file, (mpeg 1) and after a little experimentation, I cannot get it to run in my DVD player. (Yes, it is VCD Capable). I also have DVD-ROM Drive, and it won't play there either. Running the ".dat" vcd file in Windows Media Player, it works.... hhhmmmmmm..... new to this... but I don't want to waste CD's figuring things out... Any advice?

-- dddhhhtttt (, May 25, 2002.

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