Shrinking pants, revisited : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

The great mystery of the shrinking pants has been solved!!!! I know that there are plenty of you that were really worried about it. And now that I've found out what the problem was, I'm beginning to wonder if some of ya'll didn't know it and just weren't telling me! If you did, I wish you'd been impolite and told me before it cost me a new dryer and we changed detergent brands. And of course, the blaming of the wife. That alone would have been worth the embarrassment of being told the truth in front of all the others on the board!!!! I, inadvertently, stepped on a set of scales the other day. The scales read 205 pounds and I knew that had to be wrong because I've never weighed more than 175-180. Use to be I never weighed over 145 but that was before we spent 14 days on a luxury liner. Gained 14 pounds in 14 days! When we got to shore, I didn't have a thing that fit. Anyway, when I read the scales and saw what they had to say, I sucked in my belly, puffed out my chest and got back on them (that old horse thing). They still read the same (maybe I shouldn't have puffed out my chest), so I'm sure they're wrong but I don't have another set to compare them with. These weren't my scales. Even though I'm sure they're inaccurate that would explain a lot. To those of you that knew the truth and were too polite to tell me that I was getting FAT, shame on you! To those of you that were as worried as I, I hope I've been able to lighten your burden and hope to lighten mine this Summer.

Wildman, (going for ice cream now)

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2002


This is precisely why we DO NOT have a set of "people" scales in the house!! I have scales for weighing food and milk...that's all! I'm sure I'm waaaay too heavy for either of those :-)! Ice cream sounds pretty good to me right now, too!!

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2002

It was a muggy 19+ degrees here today (thats Celcius)so ice cream would go down right good here too. I am wearing a denim jumper that buttons down the front to a sing along party at my son's school tonight and if I don't wear the right bra and sorta position the equipment just right then its pulls at the buttons at the chest. Now if I would lose a "few" pounds there wouldn't be this problem .....I know where yer coming from Wildman. sigh. Maybe I should do like JR and do a colon cleansing treatment first..bleah. My colon would probably end up cleaner than my kitchen floor..isn't THAT a pleasant thought?? Woman's work is never done.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2002

I know my scale is off by 5 pounds but...

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2002

...who cares!!! Right Dee?? That's exactly the way I feel!!!

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2002

Sorry I let you down Wildman. I should have told you. Please forgive me :)! Should we start a weekly support thread for those whose clothes are shrinking or must be strategically positioned?

I've been struggling with winter weight this year. So far I've managed to get about 5 lbs. more room in my clothing. I'm shooting for about 10 more.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

You poor people have got it all wrong!!!! The thing to do is to find a culture that fat is considered beautiful and then FLAUNT it!!! LOL

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

previous post was to be signed.........diane.............searching for a new culture ;>)

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

If one of my buttons pops I will be flaunting!!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

Damn Alison, I'm never where the action is! Of course, at 205 pounds, it wouldn't do me any good anyway. I couldn't catch you if you skipped away. Or walked fast. Or walked more that 50 feet. Ice cream is a diet food, isn't it? How about cokes? Cake? Cookies? Fried food? Come ON! Surely, something that I like is a diet food!

Wildman, (hungry again)

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

My mother is shrinking rather than her clothes shrinking. Sorta inspiring me -- maybe! ;-)

One of my all time favorite cartoons from The Better Half: Stanley (the man in the series) steps on the scale, glares at it, and says, "YOU STUPID SCALE! Out of ALL those numbers, you had to pick THAT one?!" {hee hee} I relate to that at least weekly, if not daily . . . {sigh}

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2002

Wildman, I've heard that if you cut your food in two and let it sit for a few minutes all of the calories will evaporate out of it. ;-)

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2002

They say before you weigh to take a wiz, you'll weigh less. But why do you weigh MORE if you take a dump? Maybe you lose more bouyant gases than mass , so your butt presses harder on the scale instead of floating "bubblely butt" style over the it :>?

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2002

Oh Jay you are too funny! But, um, do you have a sit-on scale or something? If not, what IS your butt doing on it?

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2002

Hmmmm...all these years I've been using my scale incorrectly!! Thanks for the "interesting" mental picture, Jay :-)!!!

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2002

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