F2A accessory

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I'm looking for an aperture control attachment (DS-11) for the Nikon F2A. Please guide me.

-- Ryan Man (phatknuckles@hotmail.com), May 09, 2002


the DS-11 will not fit your F2A, those adapter where made for the led finders, such as the DP2 (F2S non AI) the DP3 (F2SB non AI) and the DP12 (F2AS AI). Since i have a F2S i gave a look to it, and was very disappointed, my suggestion is to buy it only if you are a collector, otherway get a FE. If you need further information feel free to email me.


Roberto in Rome

-- roberto (pepto68@libero.it), May 30, 2002.

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