Where to get Voigtlander lens pouch?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

i recently picked up a Voigtlander Lanthar 90 APO lens and i'm wondering where i can order a lens pouch for this lens. any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

-- tristan (emulsion71@hotmail.com), May 08, 2002


Can't you just get a generic pouch? If you must have the classy Cosina Voigtlander name (& assuming CV actually sells them), I would guess that B&H or any other CV dealer (e.g., Stephen Gandy) would have them.

-- Chris Chen (Wash., DC) (furcafe@NOSPAMcris.com), May 08, 2002.

Tristan, I got one for the 15mm Heliar at Adorama. Unless a pouch for your lens is a rarety they should have it. BH has them and other stores may carry them too. Good luck, Igor

-- Igor Osatuke (visionstudios@yahoo.com), May 08, 2002.

Try Stephen Gandy's Camera Quest site. If you don't see what you want email him.

-- Gerry Widen (gwiden@alliancepartners.org), May 08, 2002.

I use ZING pouches for my Leica lenses, made by Tiffen, dirt cheap, available everywhere.

-- Steve LeHuary (steve@icommag.com), May 08, 2002.

CV makes a case for the 25 & 15 WA lenses which hold the lens and the finder, one on top of the other in 2 separate compartments. They are not lether, but will likely last as long as the camera will. They -CV- assume that one lens and finder will be on the camera in my cse teh Bessa L (Actually branded a Cosina S107!!), and will fit into the Eveready pouch, and the other will be in the case. Very handy.


-- RICHARD ILOMAKI (richardjx@hotmail.com), May 12, 2002.

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