A Leica CL in its box, and it's mine!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi Gang:

I broke my piggy bank yesterday for a Leica CL. It comes in its boxes with all documentations even with the subsctiption to Leica Photographie magazine!

With a 40mm, lens shade and serie 5.5 filter. Lovely. The manual is in French, has the mention of Ontaro Canada. The lens has the mention 1: /40, with a missing "2", (should have been 1:2/40). Strange.

As it has a PX625 1.5V I check the meter against a R7 with spot metering. The CL seems to be very accurate, The meter could have been modified, no idea.

It is very nice to use. And the ergonomy is good for a 30 years (almost) old camera.

I'm off to Brugge for a field test. Cheers. X.

-- Xavier d'Alfort (hot_billexf@hotmail.com), May 08, 2002


Xavier, congratulation to your new toy. Enjoy. And you can even use the lightmeter with the VC 15 mm lens. Great combo.

Best regards

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), May 08, 2002.

Brugge (Bruges) is supposed to be one of Europe's loveliest cities, but I haven't visited it. Have fun! I used to have a CL; though it is a very compact camera, being aware of the exact exposure - not just relying on the meter - makes a difference. Bonne chance!

-- David Killick (dalex@inet.net.nz), May 08, 2002.

A 40mm Summicron missing the 2 on the lens barrel could be worth some $$$. Some Leicaphiles collect the mistakes on Leica equipment.

-- chris a williams (LeicaChris@worldnet.att.net), May 08, 2002.

forget the dreams of dollar signs. you don't have a misprint, just the standard 40mm CL noctilux. a nice lens stopped down to f11 or so. ;--)

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), May 08, 2002.

Roger: I didn't understand the comment,

"just the standard 40mm CL noctilux. a nice lens stopped down to f11 or so. ;--)"

Why the Noctilux reference? And why is it best at f/11? AFAIK, this lens is every bit the equal of the 50mm Summicron, already outstanding at f/2.

-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), May 08, 2002.

Thanks for the comment Guys.

I relayed on the cell but integrating two measures and having the mean value. We'll see.

Very nice to use it with low light, the cell seems to be very sensitive. Much funnier to use than the Minox and definitively better than the Rollei. Might sell off the Rollei. Cheers. X.

-- Xavier d'Alfort (hot_billexf@hotmail.com), May 09, 2002.

just a wee joke.

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), May 09, 2002.

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