is this show shown in : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
Hi i used to watch the show when it was on SBS but then it was cancelled does anyone still know if it on any other different network? or is it only showed now over seas?
-- DC (, May 04, 2002
The only place it plays here is on your own tv if you have a copy of it on vhs or dvd. Sadly no one is broadcasting it here.
-- tom (, May 04, 2002.
thanks buddy
-- DC (, May 05, 2002.
im from aus too and used to watch it i even got a shirt but i really wanna get the dvd`s. and im thinking if it is hard to get em overseas what are the chances ill land one here
-- jon (, December 02, 2002.
im from wollongong and can only find the vhs copy of the set of episodes inclusive of tide and the purge. i produce dance music (mainly gabber and hard house) and hope to use more aeon samples if i can find them! im trying kazaa now but a few gig on dial up will take a while :(
-- renegade (, August 01, 2003.