R3 M mode?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi @ll,

I've got a question to the different modes of a R3. I'm currently using a R5 and I have not photographed with the older R3 before. So my question is, does the R3 have a manual mode (m)? Or only the two different aperature priority modes?

Thanks for all comments! Cris

-- (doublestroke@gmx.net), May 04, 2002



Look into Douglas Herr pages: http://www.wildlightphoto.com/leica/

It's a valuable sum of information.

Cheers. X.

-- Xavier d'Alfort (hot_billexf@hotmail.com), May 04, 2002.

The R3 has a manual mode - turn the shutter dial away from "automatic" to one of the discrete shutter speeds and it's in manual. There is no separate 'mode' lever or dial.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), May 04, 2002.

Yes, but is there a light meter like the of the R6?

-- Cris (doublestroke@gmx.net), May 05, 2002.

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