Can't play VCDs on XP : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I hope that this is on-topic for this group. I have some Japanimation VCDs from a few years ago. They have the Motion Pixels player on the disks. No problem with Win98 but now that I'm on WinXP I can play the audio, but no video. Can't find Motion Pixels on the web, nor the codec that'll run on XP. Is there hope to play them on XP (P.S. I've tried Windows Media Player, Power VCD, and the player that came with my ATI vidcard...all the same result). Thanks.

-- Tracy A (, May 03, 2002


Simple, find the large .dat file on the vcd, and open it with windows media player. It will play it.

-- (, May 17, 2002.

Get your hands on a copy of Power DVD XP, Plays fine on there.


-- Jase (, June 28, 2002.

try the winnt version of the motion pixels player, here's the link:

-- bob (, September 25, 2002.

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