Different contrasts

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread


I have made a very nice picture with one problem. It consists of 3 distinqueshed parts. An almost dark part, an grey part which has darker shadows and an (almost) white part of the sky with small black poles in it. Now the black parts and the gray parts would best be printed with contrast 1.5 (it's a sunset so soft shadows are preffered. But then the white part gets too greyish and the contrast with the poles gets to low so I would prefer that to be in contrast 2.5 or 3.

Now how can I best print that in the darkroom? Reinier

-- ReinierV (rvlaam@xs4all.nl), May 02, 2002


Some dodging and/or burning with appropriate masks and changing contrast grade might help. Using the splitgrade technique might be another approach.

-- Marc Leest (classicphoto@leest.net), May 02, 2002.

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