MUST GO: APO SUMMICRON 1:2/90 MM ASPH with extras : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

That's right. I have finally made up my mind to sell. I miss my old F100 and 85/1.4 which I will buy with the moneys made from this sale.

For US$1450, you get:

1. APO SUMMICRON 1:2/90 MM ASPH MINT, with some slight rub marks on lens cap. Body is perfect, but if you look very carefully you can see it has been mounted before. Comes package as new in box with case.

2. Leica 1.25X Magnifier with original leather case, MINT but no box.

3. Leica E55 UV filter. MINT with box.

4. Domke F-5XB black canvas bag. Excellent condition.

5. Shipping to most places worldwide (up to AUD$50) 2-5 days courier service.

-- Kristian (, May 01, 2002

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