VOIGTLANDER 15mm questions

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I've been combing through some of the posts on this lens. Are people having problems with focus??? Are there any sites besides VOIGTLANDER/Cosina (way to limited info) that test this lens. Thanks for any help! Scott

-- Scott Evans (scottevans@attbi.com), April 28, 2002


You can find Erwin Puts's review of this lens. http://www.imx.nl/photosite/japan/voigtl01.html

I have one and I'm very satisfied with it.

-- Dongjun Cho (hexar@hanmail.net), April 28, 2002.

I too have this lens and consider it the best bang for the buck.

-- Don M (maldos@cox.net), April 28, 2002.

Scott: See this previous advice thread.

Focusing a 15mm V'lander

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), April 28, 2002.

Scott, See my shots. I think its a great value. http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=200483

-- John Abela (jamriman@yahoo.com), April 28, 2002.

There is a critical focus issue with this lens ( all wide lenses on an RF camera IMO) - observe the actual amount of travel from infinity to close up ( it's tiny!) - if the flange to film distance is even a fraction out on your camera - see a previous thread on this issue then you can get large focusing errors by trying to use the lens scale. There is a large depth of field but it's the depth of focus that is small and for best results a film test wide open on focusing distances around infinity is advisable. Generaly I have made the following observations on this lens ; a slight softness at the corners but nothing obvious - this is a very sharp lens!. Don't stop down beyond F8 as it gets soft all over due to diffraction - F5.6 is best. There is vignetting ( a function of the laws of physics rather than poor lens design)- slide film may be a bit of a compromise in exposure in contrasty situations. There is some compression of tone and loss of contrast in the middle of the frame - but this is nitpicking when you look at the price/ performance equation! - if you need a 15mm you can't go wrong but I find it far too wide -it screams 'WIDE ANGLE' at you! Oh and watch where you put your fingers if you don't want them in the frame.

-- John Griffin (john.griffin@millerhare.com), April 28, 2002.

I don't have the 15 but I have the 12 and haven't noticed any problems with focussing. It's probably me, but I have had a problem getting horizons straight - if it isn't dead on, it canes you hard - so I'm up for one of the spirit level finders!

-- Paul Hart (paulhart@blueyonder.co.uk), April 28, 2002.

I use and love this lens. I shoot it at f/5.6, use the f/4.5 marks on the DOF scale. Never a problem.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), April 28, 2002.

Hi Scott and Everyone,

It takes a while to adjust to this lens. I use it in street photography. Critical focus in what I do is largely limited to prayer.



-- Alex Shishin (shishin@pp.iij4-u.or.jp), April 28, 2002.

I have this lens. I do as others suggest; I do use f/8 and am satisfied. A great lens for the price.

I use on my Leica If; it is very compact.

-- Tony Oresteen (aoresteen@mindspring.com), April 28, 2002.

I used this lens with my Leicas for three years. I used f/5.6 and f/ 8, plus the DoF markings on the focus ring. It's very sharp edge to edge with about 1 EV light falloff from center to corner.

I did some comparison testing of the Heliar vs the Contax/Zeiss Hologon 16 when I first bought the Heliar, see my website for impressions and some sample photos. Heliar vs Hologon page

Nowadays, I'm shooting ultrawide with the Hasselblad 903SWC which I've fallen in love with so my Leica gear has become history...

-- Godfrey (ramarren@bayarea.net), April 28, 2002.

There is a critical focus issue with this lens ( all wide lenses on an RF camera IMO) - observe the actual amount of travel from infinity to close up ( it's tiny!)

I'm going to disagree with you on this statement by John, it may be the case for the 15mm (i don't know i haven't used it), but my 24mm Elmarit easily has enough travel in it's focus to be used accurately... of course if you didn't think a 24 is a "wide angle" ignore this statement. I think there is a significant advantage for RF's in regards to wide angle focussing in comparison to SLRs... though i think the 15 doesn't couple to the RF so this advantage disappears and is an exception.

-- Matthew Geddert (geddert@yahoo.com), April 28, 2002.

Thanks for the help everyone! :0) Scott

-- Scott Evans (scottevans@attbi.com), April 28, 2002.

Ive got this excellent lens. Though I dont think i have had a single out of focus picture, given its extreme DOF

-- Karl Yik (karl.yik@dk.com), April 29, 2002.

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