Tio Mila -- The long nightgreenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread |
OK Denseln is ahead and in the lead on the Long Night. I just got the sound going, so I'm not sure how far in the leg they are. But, OK Denseln is ahead and no other teams have come (the announcers are looking for Halden, but 2:40 has passed and Denseln is the only team through the control).OK Denseln is a club from a small town in Ostergotland. When I lived in Linkoping, Denseln didn't even have a full team. They ran in a combination team with two other clubs.
-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), April 27, 2002
How was Snorkel's run?
-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), April 27, 2002.
Further along on the Long Night. OK Denseln is still in the lead with Tisaren, Leksand, Rayman??? (a Finish team) and Halden chasing. These four teams are together and have taken in about 2 minutes on Denseln.Still no word about Snorkel.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
Snorkel reports getting ready to go to the pool with his daughter. Snorkel takes o' seriously!
-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), April 27, 2002.
Baekkelaget still hasn't passed through the spectator control. They just said that their coach would have to have a talk with them because they are a long way behind Halden...and still no sign of Baekkelaget.Meanwhile, Swampfox still hasn't returned from his run.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
I was reading the discussion page at Alternativet and saw that at least one other person in the US is listening to Tio-Mila (someone named Anna). So, I posted a note and asked her to come over to OK and post some reports. Our reports can only be helped by more info.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
Baekkelaget came by...16 minutes after. (oh, by the way, it is now 20:10 HDT).
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
IKHP just reported. 18:30 back. HDT 20:12. The speaker sound is coming through well. The music selection leaves something to be desired. But, I'm not complaining.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
Lillis is sitting in a reentrant near the end. He sees four lamps coming toward him. A fifth light is a bit further back.Halden, Tisaren, Leksand and Denseln are together.
The fifth lamp is....Rayam..whatever (Finish team).
The first four teams have enough of a lead over the fifth that they should be out of sight.
20:21 HDT.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
Excellent - someone else in the US listening to 10-mila. Its pretty cool to be able to listen to the speaker. I wish I was there, has done 4 or 5 10-milas, always fun!
-- Anna (asterner@hotmail.com), April 27, 2002.
Anna! Glad you came over here. We are five people sitting around a hotel room in chicago listening to TioMila (One Swedish guy from OK Enen, a brittish guy, and three Americans...one of the Americans -- me -- has run 4 TioMilas).We're in chicago for a 2-day O' race. So, we'll have to go to sleep pretty soon to be ready to run tomorrow morning.
We've got another American who has run for IKHP a couple of times (Swampfox).
Here are the top ten from the last update: Halden, Tisaren, Denseln and Leksand together; 10 seconds back is RR from Finland; 6:20 back are Skogsfalken, TuMe, Tampereen Pyr, Jarfalla and Vanersborg.
Lidingo started bad and is still quite far back (I don't have a time behind for them)
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
At the next radio control (18th control), four runners went through. It was the same four lead teams. The announcer noted that they didn't hesitate at all -- they were orienteering well.After waiting a minute, no sign of the fifth team.
HDT 20:38
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
1:30 back is RR. He's alone and took a different route choice from the 18th control.Meanwhile, we're still waiting for the announcer to read the email greeting that Andreas sent.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.
Through the exchange...the same four teams...I didn't actually catch who came through first of the four. They were all together.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), April 27, 2002.