M3 Focus problem? What is it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hello there. I just pulled out my M3 and went to use it and I was unable to focus with it. I am not technical so forgive me ahead of time for my explanation. I put on a lens and I move it to focus and there is no movement in the viewfinder. I try it over and over. Occassionaly it will move as if it is trying to focus but then stops as if it's catching the mechanism and then not. Sorry again if this doesn't make sense but if anyone knows what I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks

-- Gabe Sachs (egabe@earthlink.net), April 27, 2002


The rangefinder arm is no longer free to follow the lens cam. Either dirt, gummed lubricant, or broken spring. Take the lens off and push the rangefinder arm in. if it does not come back, that is your problem.

You can move it in and out manually (carefully and repeatedly) and it may well free up. Regardless your camera is doing a silent scream for a CLA.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@shaw.ca), April 27, 2002.

this has happened to me before. M2 with DR Summicron. The cam was caught above the focus helix, actually wedged between camera and lens. Pull lens off. lightly lower the cam arm, (lots of play?) have it adjusted and tightend. Mine was at Golden Touch, and now its great.

-- mike (thearea19@aol.com), April 27, 2002.

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