It's here......... : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Our new home was delivered yesterday!!! It's was so very emotional, to finally get what we have been saving and working for!! They came today to put it together. Now comes eletric and septic tank. Hope ya'll don't mind me sharing but this is so exciting to us, our first home together as a family!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2002


Oh Happy Day!!!! I am very glad for you and hope all goes like clockwork and you are in and settled real soon.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2002

Congrats!!! Enjoy the rush!!!

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2002

Fantastic Sandy! Bet you've been in each room about 30 times so far! Did you guys sit on the carpet by candle light and eat dinner?....Congrads.....Kirk

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2002

Wow! Have fun making it your own.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2002

Ahhh...Home, Sweet Home! My favorite part was figuring out what to put in each kitchen cabinet; not that I haven't moved things a time or two! Have you ever noticed that a woman can walk into another woman's kitchen to pitch in with the cooking, and somehow just knows which door to open to find this or that, but a man can't put dishes away in the right spot in his own wife's kitchen?!

Enjoy your new home, Sandy!

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2002

That is SO true...Polly!!!

Happy New Home Day, Sandy!!!! For us women, anyways, there is something so "neat" about setting up housekeeping in a new home. Enjoy!!

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2002

Congratulations! If you can, get some assorted house plants, spider is the best, they will absorb some of the chemicals from a new home.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2002

Kirk are sure you aren't a peeping tom??!!!!! And Dee the plants are in there now!! Also the guy that sold us this bleesing told us to put cut apples around and guess what it works. Thanks guys for standing behind me!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2002

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