how to make VCD's with ATI's TV Wonder : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
This is how I do it with ATI's TV wonder ve (value edition)$50. it comes with software (nice if you are using Windows XP download the new drivers. Install the DRIVERS first (very important). Then install the card inside your computer, then install the software. This is why i'm doing this guide i got stuck because i installed the card first. they dont say that clearly enough. saving headachesStart the TV program. go to settings. select the VCR tab. choose the "For video CD" button. press ok and when you see something you wanna record hit the record button. Unfortunately the quality is not the best but i found a way to get good quality like VHS with out squares on the screen.
Instead of choosing the "for video cd" button go to custom and choose create. Choose AVI...(put in a description if you like)..480x240 size, 44.k 16 bit stereo sound, all other options remain the way they are. (i found if i chose a resolution less than that i get jittery video. more than that and i get white lines. try yourself.) then press ok, and ok again until you see the TV. and press record when ready. if recording from a VCR connect with composite cables (red white yellow) gives better picture quality. This type of AVI takes up a lot of hard drive space. read somewhere to always defragment the hard drive before you record, allows the comp to make better videos (use windows defragmenter). have atleat 4 GB for 10 minutes of video. Then use AVI2VCD to make those AVI into MPEG for VCD. IF anyone knows of a better way that takes less space, respond. (by the way i have a Compaq 500mhz AMD 184 ram 8 mb video and Win XP).
-- daniel b (BONL1@CS.COM), April 25, 2002
Could you simplify this question?
-- (@@@.@), May 04, 2002.
-- (1234@5.COM), May 06, 2002.
RE: TV Wonder VENot long agou I purchased this device and installed it without problems on my Dell Dimension 4400, Windows XP. Installation was no problem. I connected my VCR. When I play The VCR on screen, the picture is vere grainy. Enlsrging the screen gets things even grainier. I found your old article "How to make VCD's with ATI's TV Wonder VE" It is very interesting article that I believe it will help me to solve my problems. In the article you are instructing to download newest Windows XP drivers. Could you be more specific, what kind of drivers? Are these ATI drivers or Windows drivers. I am computer laic (so are many other people). Your help would be greatly appreciated.
-- Jerry David (, July 09, 2004.