How To Post : LUSENET : Motorcycle Upgrades Review : One Thread

In order to organize the data clearly a certain posting format must be followed. The full info is not required but the format is.
Subject Line: Name of Item being reviewed, Rating
  • ***Please use

    at the end of each line.***
  • 1st: >Name of Product >Year of Prod
    2nd: >Product Details: Age of item, Store, Price, When was it bought
    3rd: User comments...
    last: Rating using 1~5 stars, e.g. **** 4 stars
  • ***Please use

    at the end of each line.***
  • For example:

    Subject: McDonalds Fries ****

    McDonalds Fries 2002

    It's 20min old. Bought at McDonalds on 4/25/02 for $1.99.

    I bought these fries at lunch to combat my hunger. Boy were they good. But the price was a bit too much. I should have bought the Happy Meal instead.

    Rating: **** 4 stars

    -- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

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