Crafting Hint of the Day - Clothespin Magnets for Every Family Member : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread


Here is a project for the kids to do and gives them a chance to creat something for everyone in the family. Children love hanging thier artwork on the refrigerator, Mom always has her grocery lists going, Dad his phone numbers. Let the kids make a magnetic clip for each family member.

Materials you will need:
wooden clothespins
buttons, google eyes, small silk flowers, etc
hot glue gun (or thick sticky glue)
magnet strips
posterboard (white is best)

The Directions:
Begin by drawing the first letter in each family member's name on a piece of posterboard. Cut out the letters, they should be approximately 3 inches in height.

Next, glue together two clothespins in cross cross fashion so that both open at the same end (bottom). Position your letters onto the crisscrossed clothespin to make sure it will fit comfortably. Lay the posterboard letter onto the a flat work surface.

Use whatever beads, baubles and items you like, as long as they aren't too heavy. Have the children arrange their "finds" on the letters (atop the work surface) the way they would like them to be on their magnets.

Apply glue (an adult will need to do this for a small child as the glue gun gets REALLY hot) to the items and affix them, one at a time, to the posterboard letter. Set aside to dry completely. On the back of the crisscrossed clothespin, attach a long magnet strip (these are self adhesive and available at discount and craft stores).

You can also recycle old business card and flat magnets that you have lying around by cutting them to fit and gluing to the back.

When finished, glue the letter to the clothespin and hang on the refrigerator!

-- Karen (, April 24, 2002

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