Gucci goes ga-ga for Karzai's lamb-fetus : LUSENET : Unk's Troll-free Private Saloon : One Thread | April 23, 2002Karzai's Hat Made From Lamb Fetus
KABUL, Afghanistan -- It's the rage in Kabul and is getting attention in Milan and Paris, but the ultra-chic hat made famous by Afghan leader Hamid Karzai has a rather unpalatable origin -- it's made using the downy fur of aborted lamb fetuses.
The karacul hat, a football-shaped, fez-like construct with ripply baby-soft fur, has been popping up everywhere in Afghanistan's capital since Karzai was appointed interim prime minister after the fall of the Taliban, as Afghans have sought to emulate the man charged with pulling their battered country out of decades of war.
"Since the change in government, many people are coming and buying karacul hats," said Aji Ali Mohammed, who has run a karacul shop for 40 years in a bustling bazaar next to the Kabul River, now dried up after four years of drought. "Business is getting better every day."
He says he's even sold two hats to Karzai.
"We chose the best pelts and we worked as hard as we could to make the best quality hat for him," the 57-year-old Mohammed said.
Afghans aren't the only ones taking a look at the fashionable headgear.
At Milan fashion week in January, Gucci's Tom Ford dubbed Karzai "the chicest man on the planet" saying the karacul hat and flowing capes the Afghan leader wears give him a winning look that is "very elegant and very proud."
Silvia Venturini Fendi, head of styling for the Italian fashion house famous for its furs added: "I like President Karzai's fur fez because it is an intrinsic element of his way of dressing. He always wears it with great nonchalance and elegance. It's clear that, more than his way of dressing, it's part of his way of being."
The hat is expensive for ordinary Afghans, costing up to $35 for a really good one. That is more than a month's salary for many in this war-ravaged nation, and 10-20 times as much as simpler headgear like a turban. But despite the cost, the hats are omnipresent in the capital, a particular favorite among middle-aged men like Karzai.
It's a remarkable comeback for a chapeau that went out of style during the Taliban regime, which preferred black turbans or simple white skullcap to the more regal looking karacul.
"During the Taliban we sold only one hat a month, usually to an Afghan living abroad, but now we are moving about 50 every week," said Abdul Waseh, 52, another karacul shop owner.
Though the hats are unmistakably dashing, the method of their production is a bit stomach-turning. Shepherds in northern Afghanistan slaughter the mother and then remove the fetus, whose downy fur is incredibly smooth because it has never been exposed to the air or sun. Sometimes shepherds wait for the ewe to give birth before killing the lamb.
Each lamb is so small its entire pelt is needed to produce one hat -- and many pelts are needed to make the waist-length karacul coats.
"The best quality hats are made with the fetuses," said Mohammed, "They are extremely soft and they have a special shine to them ... it is as pure as a precious stone."
Culture and Information Minister Abdurahim Mokhdoom says he recognizes the process may seem brutal to outsiders, but he says they are part of Afghanistan's culture.
"As far back as you look, Afghans have been wearing them," he said, adding a word of advice for the squeamish.
"I would tell them to stop eating beef and lamb and then let's stop killing animals for this too," he said. "If you make one hat you will use it for maybe five years, but if you go and eat steak once a week for one year, how many cows are you eating?"
Karzai, whose easy style and good looks have helped make him one of the world's most recognizable leaders -- says he has several motives for wearing the hats.
"I wear them because they are very, very Afghan," he said at a recent military ceremony in Kabul. "And if it looks good, all the better."
-- (, April 24, 2002
LINKAt Milan fashion week in January, Gucci's Tom Ford dubbed Karzai "the chicest man on the planet" saying the karacul hat and flowing capes the Afghan leader wears give him a winning look that is "very elegant and very proud."
-- (, April 24, 2002.
This is sick! We are going to publically burn all our afghans in protest.
-- (Petulant Petula@PETA-Kabul.hatless), April 24, 2002.
The history of lamb-fetus headwear is fascinating. This style of hat was unknown before 1887. At that time, some Afghani peasants were celebrating at a traditional spring festival. They became giddy on fermented yak's milk."Crazy Abdul", always a cutup, could find no lampshade to wear at the party. Abdul chanced to notice a freshly miscarried lamb fetus and zanily slapped it on his head. He was the hit of the party!
Inspired, Abdul resigned from his camel jockeying job. He changed his name to Hamid and begin the Kabul Karacul Chapeaurie. The product was an immediate success and Abdul/Hamid went from being a buffoonish party animal to a multi-millionaire.
The business flourished, KKC expanded to become a multi-national conglomerate. Hamid's firm hired thousands and brought great wealth and prestige to Afghanistan. "Crazy Abdul" had become "Hamid Karzai the Wise", a venerated chieftain and Bush-buddy.
And now you know the rest of the story!
Paul Harvey, good.....
(cue the best-boy for "the goose")
-- (Paul Harvey @ heart rendering.tales), April 26, 2002.