Annullment - is there a website for rule and questionaire to witnesses : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Annullment - is there a website for rule and questionaire to witnesses

Is there a website with the complete grounds:

1) for first requiring someone to apply for an Annullment 2) grounds for approving and/or denying request

Is there a website where I can see the questionare that I(and others) will have to fill out if I proceed with Annullment process.

I want to understand the complete process before I talk with a priest.

-- Michael D (, April 23, 2002



Did you try typing Annullments in your search engine? Or Catholic Church Dogma?

Any time I am trying to locate information, I just type what I am lookng for in my search engine and usually come up with lots of sites on that particular subject.

Or, you can always go to a Catholic library (if you can find one) and check it out. Usually Catholic universities if you live near one should have the information you are looking for.

Good luck. Nancy

-- Nancy ((,),),),),), April 23, 2002.


Here's a Google search on annulments. Reviewing the links, the first few are very informative.

Good Luck,


-- (, April 23, 2002.

Since each (Arch)Diocese has its own tribunal and the forms are generated on that level, you need to contact your local Tribunal. Fr. Chris

-- Father Chris W. LaBarge (, April 23, 2002.

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