28mm Summicron-M Discontinued?!?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I made an e-mail inquiry to Delta International about the price and availibility of the 28mm ASPH Summincron-M and 1.25x eyepeice. I received this reply:

"The Leica 28 M lens is discontinued. The 1.25x is not available yet."

Yikes! I hope this is a miscommunications...

-- Dan brown (brpatent@swbell.net), April 22, 2002


I am sure this is not true and Delta International was thinking Elmarit when they responded.

-- ray tai (razerx@netvigator.com), April 22, 2002.

Leica makes their lenses and cameras in batches. There may be no new 28/2s available from Leica until the next batch is produced. This is a very common situation.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@shaw.ca), April 22, 2002.

I think Delta sometimes mistakes "not available" for "discontinued".

There are items that are "not available" from Leica all the time -- witness the current shortage of 1.25x magnifiers. I've gotten this response from Delta a couple of times on items that I knew were available, just on serious backorder or manufactured in small quantities.

-- Rolfe Tessem (rolfe@ldp.com), April 22, 2002.

The 28mm Elmarit-M must be due to be discontinued soon. Perhaps this is what they meant?

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), April 22, 2002.

The Elmarit has been discontinued. The other is inconceivable.

-- Tim Franklin (tim_franklin@mac.com), April 22, 2002.

I hope not, this is a oustanding lens ! But they maybe dont want to make two 28 mm + the tri-e ?

-- Simon (simonalibert@mac.com), April 22, 2002.

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