Anyone want an M7? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I ended up with an extra M7 that I would like to sell. It's completely brand new, in the box with full Passport Warranty.

I'm willing to sell for $2335. + shipping in the USA.

I can take credit cards via PayPal or Bidpay. My eBay name is Mediahound if you would like to check my history. I have a positivie feedback rating of over 250.

Let me know if you are interested, or have any questions, thanks.

-- Tristan Tom (, April 21, 2002


Can you tell me in one sentence (or more) why you want to sell it?

-- Michael Kastner (, April 22, 2002.

Will you take $2,000?

-- Bob Haight (, April 22, 2002.

Sorry folks, I just returned it to the store.

-- Tristan Tom (, April 22, 2002.

What a waste of time.

-- Robin Smith (, April 22, 2002.

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