Question about Leica Warranty for Leica purchased as a gift : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a question about a Leica as a gift. How does the warranty work? Let's say hypothetically someone buys me a brand new M6 or M7 for that matter. If they give it to me with the Passport form blank, can I then fill it out under my name so that I am covered under the Passport warranty?

-- tim (, April 18, 2002


yes. i have done it.

-- roger michel (, April 18, 2002.


I'll second what Roger had to say in that it can be done.

If it does prove to be a problem, contact Liz at Leica USA in NJ and talk to her. Nice lady who has been there awhile, and is in charge of registration. 800 number is at their site.



-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (, April 18, 2002.

yes, if you have proof of purchase from a US auth dealer

-- pat (, April 18, 2002.

What if I buy a M camera from a guy who hasn't registered the passbook warranty although the purchase is a year old or longer?

Can I register the warranty without the original sale invoice? Can I still register, with original sale invoice, even though the purchase was made a year ago?

-- Fred Lee (, April 18, 2002.

what if the gift giver does not give over the receipt? usually with gifts, it's tacky to include the purchase receipt...

-- tim (, April 18, 2002.

I believe the rule is that registration must occur within 30 days of purchase. As for a gift, the purchaser could register the warranty in the name of the recipient. But questions like this should be directed to Leica USA.

-- Jack Matlock (, April 18, 2002.

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