Direct to vcd using ATI ALL IN WONDER 128 PRO 32 MB : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have bought a All in wonder 128pro 32 Mb ATI card. I heard it can be made vcd without using any encoding programm.(Real time) I don't know how.If any one can help me to know it realy I appreciate it.

-- Nalin (, April 18, 2002


In the multimedia centre 7.2, when using the video recorder, there is an option to record in VCD format. You can use this video recorder to record any input into your video card (cable, composite, s-video). Just start your tv tuner and start recording into this format. Unfortunately, I haven't got it working uder Windows XP, but aparrently it's not supported for video capture.

Hope it helps

-- KJ (, April 22, 2002.

This is how I do it with ATI's TV wonder ve (value edition). if i'm correct we are using the same software. start the TV program. go to options. select the VCR tab. choose the "For video CD" button. press ok and when you see something you wanna record hit the record button. Unfortunately the quality is not the best but i found a way to get good quality. instead of choosing their "for video cd" button go to custom and choose create. Choose AVI...(put in a description if you like)..480x240 size, 44.k 16 bit stereo sound, all other options remain the way they are. press ok, and ok again until you see the TV. and press record when ready. if recording from a VCR connect with composite cables (red white yellow). by the way I have Win XP 184mb ram and 8mb video (you have 32). i think your video might come out better, and this type of AVI takes up a lot of hard drive space. always defragment the hard drive beofore you record (use defragmenter) have atleat 4 GB for 10 minutes of video. IF anyone knows of a better way that takes less space, respond.

-- daniel b. (BONL1@CS.COM), April 24, 2002.

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