1.25x magnifier?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I've seen a couple of references to a "1.25x magnifier". Is this just a viewer that goes into the accessory shoe, or some other attachment. My Leica system book doesn't mention anything like this. It sounds like a good idea for use with a longer lens, as long as it's not too clumsy. Any guidance?

-- Ben Crabtree (bcrabtree@mn.rr.com), April 17, 2002


This should answer all of your questions. There is a PDF file there that explains things in greater detail, which you can download here.

-- Matthew Geddert (geddert@yahoo.com), April 17, 2002.

Thanks for the help, Matthew

-- Ben Crabtree (bcrabtree@mn.rr.com), April 17, 2002.

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