Can someone tell me more about frame and field? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi,I am using Trueblue Action(PV-230) video capture card, captured with WinMPEG-200F encoder which I think captured in Frame, and using Ulead Multimedia studio 6.5. I have read a lot about this frame and field thing. From what I understand, to get a better quality for TV viewing vcd, I have to use Fields rather than Frame, and I'm stuck at this point. Here's the questions:Do I need to re-produced the video to 2 sets of Fields(Field A and Field B as in Ulead), then combine them into one Frame? or there are other ways to do it? Please, Please, Please help me with this problem. I am really appriciate it.
Thank you.
-- Noorhisham Mohammad (, April 17, 2002
Are you a terrorist?
-- (3@3.3), April 17, 2002.
If u ask me no I'm not. Mehmet is one Turkish way of translating Mohammed. Anyway in the low data bitrates of VCD has ensured us only 240 or 288 lines which tells us we only can use one field from the original 480 or 576. The question is which field to use?? I've very rarely touched h/w encoders so all I can say is that with s/w encoders. Conventionally, like with Panasonic, you are allowed to choose one field (A or B), and the other is discarded, and that's all. TMPGenc has a lot more choices, apart from merely choosing what field to use, like interpolating the contents of both fields into one unique field, as well as what filed should be dominant, etc. It depends on your video source. The bottomline is, on viewing the VCD, that there is the least amount of stairstepping and ghosting on account of merely repeating the 240 or 288 available lines to recreate the 480 or 576 to display. This, more so than the low horiz res, is why VCD is not deemed hi-quality unlike MPEG-2 mediums like SVCD or DVD, where the interlaced field identity is maintained.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 20, 2002.