M35 and M90

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Just got my M90ASPH today, and comparing it with my M35ASPH they both "feel" as if they were made by two different manufacturers. The aperture clicks with a different, less assuring way than the M35,as does the focusing turn. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

-- Yogesh jeram (Yogeshjeram@hotmail.com), April 16, 2002


A lot of variety among Lieca lens mechanics. I have aperture rings that "clink", that "clank", and that "click". I've put 90 APOs on my bodies that are so stiff they barely mount - and others that slip into place as smooth as butter. I see both 90 APO and preAPO lenses with very stiff focusing - and 90s of both types with very gentle focusing.

The 90 rings ARE moving bigger masses of metal/glass than in the 35 - so a difference between them is not too surprising....

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), April 16, 2002.

Don't be a martyr. Return the lens if you're not satisfied. You just paid a huge chunk of change for a piece of glass, and if it ain't perfect to your liking send it back in for a replacement. And keep doing it until you're satisfied. New lenses will "break in" a little bit and get smoother, but only slightly.

-- JM Woo (wooismyid@delete.yahoo.com), April 16, 2002.

Changing aperture on my 35LuxAsph is like lifting weights compared to my 90SAA. The aperture ring is much heavier.

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 16, 2002.

The focusing is tight on most of the Leica M teles, and they do not really break in much. My 90 Elmarit also feels very different from my 50 Summicron (both are current styles)

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), April 16, 2002.

yes im afraid this is true. Ive come across many lenses some of the same type that can feel totally different. I guess this comes partly from how well its been used, but I am suprised that there is this difference. The same applies to the M body shutter speed dials. I generally prefer the lenses that turn with real ease. I recently bought a 2nd hand Noctilux and the focus ring is so stiff, it takes ages to focus the damn thing. There should be a fine line between the ability of the lens to rapid focus and accurately focus.

-- Karl Yik (karl.yik@dk.com), April 17, 2002.

I agree with JM Woo - if it bothers you return it. FWIW, all the leica lenses I've had thru' my hands have different aperture ring feel - chrome usually seems to have more definite clicks than black but basically they're all different. My 90saa (black) has a much more solid click than my 35asph summicron (black). So much so that I sometimes think of getting the 35 tightened. I have to say, though, that the 35 doesn't seem to be getting any looser - just stays the same, despite heavy use, so maybe I won't bother. If I were you I'd just make sure the glass is clear.

-- Steve Jones (stephenjjones@btopenworld.com), April 17, 2002.

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