FS/T 80mm 'lux 3-cam

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a mint conditon 80 'lux for sale or trade. Not a mark on it, and it comes with front and rear caps, case and box. It's a great lens, but I use my 75 'lux on my m6 much more often.

I'm asking $1250.

Some of the things I might be willing to trade for are an R8, or the following M stuff: 50 'Cron or Noctilux, 21 ASPH, 35 'Cron ASPH, etc. Obviously some of these trades would include additional payment since they're not even trades. Make me an offer if you're interested.

-- Noah Addis (naddis@mindspring.com), April 16, 2002

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