Durst 138

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Hello all, I just picked up a used Durst 138. The cold light source that came with it was damaged in shipping (the transformer appears to be ok). The folks I purchased it from are looking into how/where to get this part replaced. Once it is fixed I would like a resource for where I can obtain lamps for both the cold light and the condenser head.... does anyone have any leads on where I can obtain these lamps so that I can have some spare parts on hand. I already wrote to Durst-Pro USA in Oregon but they have not answered my e-mail. Thanks to anyone who can help!!!

-- Steve (zipp2108@cs.com), April 15, 2002


Durst-Pro USA answered and said they don't have lamps or the cold light (Lacoli) tube. So.... any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

-- Steve (zipp2108@cs.com), April 15, 2002.

For the cold light, try contacting Aristo, http://www.aristogrid.com/. They might be able to supply a replacement lamp.

-- Michael Briggs (MichaelBriggs@EarthLink.net), April 15, 2002.

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