FS: Voigtlander Nocton 50/1.5 with M adaptor

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

OK I have had this lens for about two weeks and used it once because I got myself a Summicron 50/2. This lens is in MINT minus condition. Why "minus"...because it has the slightest paint wear on the bottom of the lens near the lens mount. It comes in original box with all accesories, including hood, lens cap and rear cap. The lens functions perfectly, with aperture blades/clicks and focsuing spot on. Also included is the Voigtlander M adaptor for the 50/75m lenses, also like new in box.

The price, well US$290 or AUD$580 plus shipping from Australia. Payment via electronic funds transfer to my Australian account.


-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 14, 2002


I also have pictures of the lens via request, but the paint wear cannot be seen as it is so small, and you need to look hard to even notice it.

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 14, 2002.

I am interested. I am living in canada. How may I pay you? thanks. Remi.

-- Remi Coignard-Friedman (larem70@sympatico.ca), May 08, 2002.

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