Get the real thing for once: go for the DVD now! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Trying the impossible to get some quality image out of your home-made VCDs?Don't waste your time. It's not a problem of encoders, it's a matter of budget: Trying to achieve quality out of 1150 bps is like trying to build a moon-rocket for $1000.
Buying and returning standalone DVD-players because they don't recognize your completely out-of-standard X-VCDs?
Let's face it: VCD is a thing of the past. The world is moving towards DVD and God knows if you'll be able to play today's VCDs in tomorrow's systems. Don't waste your time: If you're smart enough to build a VCD, then you can make a DVD too! You just have to substitute "VCD" encoding and burning software by their "DVD" counterparts. Making a DVD does not require more considerations and care than making a VCD... except for the fact that you don't have a DVD burner!
Well, that could be no problem. If you're used to CD burning software, then you should know that in the final instance you can choose to "burn" your VCD not into an actual CD-R, but as an image-file in your hard drive. The same stands for DVD burning software, you can "burn" your home-made DVD as an image-file in your hard drive, and you can consequently copy this file into several CD-Rs (maybe 5) using WinRar or any other file-spliter. You then mail these CD-Rs to me, along with 5 blank DVDs. As soon as I receive them, I mail you back one of these discs as your DVD-Video, and keep the other 4 as the 'payment'. No money involved, no shipping charges. Just a fair exchange: You give me what I want -blank DVDs- and I give you what you want: the DVD-video. (You can check here to find blank DVDs for less than u$s 2.50.)
If you're interested, drop me a mail:
-- Mathias (, April 13, 2002
Hey, maybe this will help alot of people. There is this web site I just found a few weeks ago, right now it is under construction, but this site sells DVD movies for only $7 or $8. Each movie though is a copy, but they are exact copies. I bought 3 movies from them and the picture is damn good and the sound is good as well. The movies are also on DVDs not CDs so they are not VCDs they are DVD movies! And they play fine in all DVD players I have tryed. And you can not be that price, it is damn cheap I have checked many other sites, but this site is the only site I have found that sells perfect copies of DVD movies on DVDs! it is just email that guy there and let him know what you are looking for. He is pretty cool, but he sells them as backup copies only. So just tell him you own the original already. This site also sells DVD recorders and Macrovision decoders.
-- Mike Sander (, April 14, 2002.
My offer was ment to people making VCDs out of their home-made movies. There's little sense in pirating DVD movies at today prices...
-- Mathias (, April 15, 2002.