Not Leica but need Pentax 300mm. : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Sorry to bother on a non-Leica question but this group has been so helpful when I was buying my M6 and later find Rich's Photovillage, buying filters, etc, etc. You folks are wonderful.

Now, I'm trying to buy a manual Pentax 300 f/4 for my MX. I just missed getting one on Ebay (by 15 sec.) and KEH doesn't have one. I'd consider any fairly compact, quality 300 for the MX.

I'm going on a wildlife trip in British Columbia, beginning in early May, and plan to take my M6 with a 21 and 35. I have a wonderful 150mm Pentax lens and would like to supplement with a 300.

Any advice on places to look, other than KEH, B&H, etc. or anyone who has an appropriate lens ... will be greatly appreciated

-- tom (, April 12, 2002


Try Ritz Camera. They have an extensive inventory of used equipment (most with pictures).

I've never bought anything there, but I'm sure someone else can give you their rating of the place.

Good Luck.

-- Vikram (, April 12, 2002.

Consider a Tamron 300/2.8 SP LD IF with Pentax adaptall adaptor. Very nice sharp lens, really compact for a 300/2.8, and you could use it with any SLR brand in the future.

-- Jay (, April 12, 2002.

Jay, sounds like a great idea .... but .. I don't use such a lens enough to justify the $2300 (new, without mount) or $1399 (used, B&H). I'm saving my pennies for a second M body.

I missed a 300 f/4 Pentax-M lens on Ebay, which went for $356. That would have been perfect for me .. drats!

-- Tom (, April 12, 2002.


A Dutch shop has two of the Pentax 300 f/4 second hand for 349 and 450 euro. I ordered a few things myself there and I was happy with the service. Good luck!

-- Eric Kragtwijk (, April 12, 2002.

HI Tom, How about the 300mm for the Pentax 6X7. Get the K-Mount adapter for your 35mm. You get a 300mm for your 35 but, it is made for the Pentax 6X7 which is a great format. They make two versions the SMC/67/300/F4 and a SMC/67/300/F4EDIF very nice. Hey tom just a thought. PS. Stop down metering on the 35.

-- Richard Brown (, April 13, 2002.

Thanks for all your suggestions!!! I finally decided that I would use a 70-300mm zoom I already have for the Nikon, even though it is slower at 300mm than a single focal length lens. I'm going save my money for an M7, probably a 0.72 or 0.85 body to go with my 0.58 M6.

Again .. thanks everyone for wonderful ideas. I'll keep the Tamron and Pentax 645 solutions in mind, in case I run across a good buy on one of these lenses.

-- Tom (, April 13, 2002.

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