FS: Leica 90mm Summicron ASPH APO LNIB

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Leica 90mm Summicron ASPH APO like new in box with all original paperwork, box, leather case, and instruction book. B&W UV MRC filter included. $1200 plus $12 for shipping and insurance within the continental USA. Money back if not as described. robljones@sprintpcs.com

-- Bob (robljones@sprintpcs.com), April 09, 2002


I'll take her.

-- Igor Osatuke (visionstudios@yahoo.com), April 09, 2002.

Sold to Igor!

-- Bob (robljones@sprintpcs.com), April 09, 2002.

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